Snack Bag Accessories  

Friday, February 6, 2009

Come to our next workshop to learn how to re-use your favorite snack bags into funky jewelry and wallets. This workshop will be led by UA Graphic Designer, Melissa Aquino.

This workshop will be held
March 25, from 5 to 8pm.

All workshops are free and open to the public, and all materials needed will be provided by the Union Gallery.

All workshops will be held at the gallery, located on the third floor of the Student Union Memorial Center, 1303 E. University Blvd.

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Winter Arts Festival on UA Mall  

We'll be at the University of Arizona Mall from 4pm until 10pm on February 20 with crafts to sell and demonstrating some fun activities you can do with recycled materials.

We will also be engaging in a large community mural.

Come check us out!

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Next Group Meetings  

The next meetings will be held on Tuesday, February 17 at 12pm and 5pm. We will be creating crafts to sell at the Winter Arts Festival, and also creating some of our passive education signs. Everyone should bring something to create a sign on, like a piece of cardboard or some cool “trash” you find or collect.

If you would like to create crafts to sell on your own time, just make sure we get them before the 20th. And there are craft supplies here at the gallery if you’d like to come in to make something.

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Recycled Book Binding  

UA Studio Arts Major, Stephanie Dammer will lead the first workshop. She will teach participants how to bind books and also how to make journals and notebooks from recycled materials.

This workshop will be held
January 28, from 5 to 8pm.

All workshops are free and open to the public, and all materials needed will be provided by the Union Gallery.

All workshops will be held at the gallery, located on the third floor of the Student Union Memorial Center, 1303 E. University Blvd.

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Bottle Cap Jewelry  

During this workshop, Graphic Designer, Melissa Aquino will teach participants how to make jewelry and magnets out of bottle caps. This workshop will be held February 11, from 6 to 8pm.

All workshops are free and open to the public, and all materials needed will be provided by the Union Gallery.

All workshops will be held at the gallery, located on the third floor of the Student Union Memorial Center, 1303 E. University Blvd.

If you
would like to schedule a bottle cap workshop, contact

Workshop Participants

Sample Jewelry Pieces

Sample Magnets

How-To Make A Bottle Cap Bracelet

Step 1: Poke 2 holes, using a sharp awl, into the side grooves of the bottle caps, repeat this step on the opposite side of the bottle caps for a total of 4 holes.

Step 2: Put small dab of glue onto top of bottle cap to attach image.

Step 3: Use Modge Podge to completely cover image securing the edges. I do about 2 thin coats.

Steps 4 & 5: Start attaching the bottle caps with 2 jump rings through the holes. 2 jump rings will be attached to 2 bottle caps.

An average adult bracelet uses about 5-6 bottle caps.
Finish off ends with a toggle clasp.

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T-Shirt Tote Bags  

During the 3rd workshop, participants will learn how to make totes out of T-shirts. Fine Arts Major, Pedro Romano will be leading this session held on March 5, from 5 to 8pm.

All workshops are free and open to the public, and all materials needed will be provided by the Union Gallery.

All workshops will be held at the gallery, located on the third floor of the Student Union Memorial Center, 1303 E. University Blvd.

How-To Make A T-shirt Tote-Bag

Step 1: Find a T-shirt and decide what size tote to make. You will need a sewing machine (or needle and thread), and scissors

Step 2: Once the size of your tote is decided, cut the bottom of the shirt straight across at desired length.

Step 3: Cut both sleeves off at the seams.

Step 4: Cut the neck out. This will be the opening of your tote so the size of the "scoop" should be large enough to stuff items into.

Step 5: Turn the t-shirt inside out and stitch up the bottom of the shirt and and the edges of the arms and neck.

Step 6: Embellish the t-shirt with other designs or just show off the original art of the t-shirts.

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About Us  

create/sustain/renew is a new art movement based at the University of Arizona Union Gallery. We are a group of students, staff, and activists who want to make a difference on campus and in the community through arts education. We will host a series of art workshops, help clean-up local schools and public centers, bring art to invisible places, and use happenings and passive education to change the way people see the everyday.

Join us this spring for our series of art and craft workshops using recycled materials. By utilizing everyday objects, trash, and recycled objects from right here on campus, we will create books, jewelry, totes, and art in this open workshop series. All workshops are free and open to the public, with all materials provided. create/sustain/renew is part of the Union Sustainability Committee and supported with a grant from Ikon.

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